Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities A+

There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (89) A+
Entertainment (34) A+
Food and Drink (246) A+
Fitness (39) F
Groceries (52) B
Parks (164) A+
Shops (394) A+
See more Long Beach amenity data

commute A+

Of all people who commute, 5.3% take public transportation in Long Beach.
Public Transit Stops (1444)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Long Beach commute data

cost of living F

The cost of living in Long Beach is 157/100 - which is 13% higher than California.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Long Beach cost of living data

crime F

Long Beach crime rates are 3,617 per 100k, which is 28% higher than California
Property Crime
2,991 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
626 crimes per 100k
See more Long Beach crime data

employment B+

The median income in Long Beach is $66,410 - which is 4% higher than California.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Long Beach employment data

health C-

There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (190)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Long Beach health & safety data

housing C+

Long Beach home prices are $584,200 - which is 43% higher than California
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
8.8x (home price to income ratio)
See more Long Beach housing data

schools C+

The Long Beach graduation rate is 78% - which is 3% lower than California
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (87) A+
High Schools (26) C-
See more Long Beach education data

ratings D-

Long Beach has an overall rating of 52% from 51 reviews.
User Reviews (10)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (41)
From AreaVibes
See more Long Beach user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Long Beach, CA
( 51 Ratings )

Living in Long Beach, CA

Long Beach Area Facts

  • Long Beach has a Livability Score of 69/100, which is considered good
  • Long Beach crime rates are 28% higher than the California average
  • Cost of living in Long Beach is 13% higher than the California average
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Long Beach Reviews

Write a review about Long Beach Tell people what you like or don't like about Long Beach…
Dong Beach, California 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 06, 2020) The city's a liberal hell hole with terrible crime and the least smart individuals on the planet. It's congested and polluted beyond belief. Way too many people are suckered into getting mugged, because they think that this is some nice vacation town. However, the people who live ...Read More here try to keep the real Long Beach a secret so they can rob your hotel rooms. Don't move to Long Beach, stay as far away from this city as humanly possible, you'll be eternally grateful that you did. Read Less
Love life living in Long Beach! 5 rating By Anonymous ( Dec 06, 2019) Long Beach is a great city! It’s in the shadow of Los Angeles, but it is its own amazing city! It’s one of the most diverse cities in America, it’s a fact! We have Queen Mary, beautiful murals, beautiful sunsets, beautiful beaches, and the aquarium of the pacific. AND SO MU ...Read More CH MORE! The people here are amazing. Also, one thing I love about this city is that it’s very Cambodian. It is sister cities with the capital of Cambodia and it has the highest Cambodian population outside of Southeast Asia. For nightlife idk because I’m a kid lol. Dining? Mexican food, DUH! And shopping? FOURTH STREET! I love this city! Read Less
Nice once but not nice now! 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Dec 04, 2019) I grew up here when Long Beach actually had a beach with waves ,and good ones at that! Once had a very cosmopolitan downtown area with hi-end stores with personalized service(what?) A fun zone called the pike with a super roller coaster called the Cyclone Racer (I rode this -best ...Read More ever!) once was a super fun place to go . Now , there is no reason to go downtown , its made for the tour ships ,not for the citizens who live here -no fun . I mean , how many times can you see a mediocre fish museum ? Once is enough! Creepy down town area . The roads you need a 4X4 to dodge the potholes and endure the super rough roads ... taxes on everything . I have been here my whole life ... looking for another place to call home .. with out the homeless lurking around my neighborhood . Be careful when visiting ! Read Less
It USED to be cool 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Oct 11, 2019) Now it tries too hard to be Irvine or Santa Monica. It used to be a unique working class hidden gem with tons of funky laid back beach vibes, now its a crime-infested, overpopulated, commercial joke. No parking, worst school system I have ever seen, worse traffic than Italy, its ...Read More literally unbearable. Read Less
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Nice once but not nice now! 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Dec 04, 2019) I grew up here when Long Beach actually had a beach with waves ,and good ones at that! Once had a very cosmopolitan downtown area with hi-end stores with personalized service(what?) A fun zone called the pike with a super roller coaster called the Cyclone Racer (I rode this -best ...Read More ever!) once was a super fun place to go . Now , there is no reason to go downtown , its made for the tour ships ,not for the citizens who live here -no fun . I mean , how many times can you see a mediocre fish museum ? Once is enough! Creepy down town area . The roads you need a 4X4 to dodge the potholes and endure the super rough roads ... taxes on everything . I have been here my whole life ... looking for another place to call home .. with out the homeless lurking around my neighborhood . Be careful when visiting ! Read Less
It USED to be cool 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Oct 11, 2019) Now it tries too hard to be Irvine or Santa Monica. It used to be a unique working class hidden gem with tons of funky laid back beach vibes, now its a crime-infested, overpopulated, commercial joke. No parking, worst school system I have ever seen, worse traffic than Italy, its ...Read More literally unbearable. Read Less
Born and raise here. 5 rating By Rina ( Mar 29, 2018) Hello, I was born here and live here all my life. The pros of this city is that the city have lots of stores to shop and convenience ones too. The housing here is expensive and continue to do so. The con is that there are a lot of crimes here. ...Read More Read Less
Horribly over rated city 0.5 rating By Janterry ( May 23, 2017) Moved to Long Beach in 1979 as a teenager, watched the city go through a down hill decline rapidly, influx of refugees poured into the city by the droves, unless you live in the Naples, Belmont Shore, California Heights, or parts of Bixby Knolls, you will live in a neighborhood s ...Read More urrounded by poverty, gang members, and drugs. People go to the aquarium of the Pacific and Shoreline Village popular tourist sites but these areas have also experienced decline. Parking is horrible and you will get a ticket. I think this city has more apartments than any city in the U.S. The movie Freedom Writers was pretty accurate with its depiction of the disparity between wealth and poverty in Long Beach. Glad I left many years ago. Went there 5/1/2017 to see a family member, felt like I was in a third world country. I wish my family member would move, but for some unknown reason they actually like the city. I made my 2.5 hour drive home to the beautiful wine country, won't be returning to the LBC any time soon. Read Less
The Worst Place I Have Ever Lived 0.5 rating By brianrtron ( Nov 27, 2015) I've lived in Long Beach, near downtown, for over one year now. It's strange; most people that live in Long Beach absolutely love it and it befuddles me. I can't find one redeeming quality about the city. I have tried to give it time to grow on me and it's only gotten worse with ...Read More each passing day. First, as anyone who lives here can attest to, parking is atrocious. It is literally the most unhappy part of living in Long Beach. It is a chronic source of daily stress that alone makes it not worth living here unless you find an apartment with assigned parking. I could write a book about the parking situation alone, but you'll have to trust me when I tell you that it is horrific. Second, it is dirty as hell. Litter covers the sidewalks and streets. People put their furniture out on the sidewalk when they no longer want a couch or a mattress and it sits there for weeks. No one picks up after their dogs and there is poop everywhere. I have never encountered so much litter in my entire life. I get the impression that no one gives a hoot about the community and just dumps their proverbial and literal crap wherever they feel like it. Third, and related to the parking, it is crowded. People, often homeless or seedy, sketched out people are everywhere and there is no escaping it. Fourth, it is noisy. Yes, it is a true city and some noise is to be expected. I have learned that I'm not a city person since living in Long Beach, but I want to believe that other "big cities" aren't as miserable as Long Beach. If you like having to drive around for over an hour to find a parking spot ON A DAILY BASIS, stepping over and around litter and dog crap to get around town, etc., then hey, more power to you and perhaps Long Beach is for you. Read Less
Its never boring in long beach! 4 rating By MissCC12 ( Jan 19, 2015) I lived in long beach for 2.5 years, it was more towards the border of Lakewood. There's never a dull moment, let me tell you. for starters, there's people everywhere. but the cities surrounding are really nice. i liked my area a ton, there's always something to do. grocery store ...Read More s were close by, i actually was able to walk to work. I was close to Lakewood mall, so shopping was never a problem. if you go down the coast, there's a billion things to do in DTLB. the aquarium, all the shops and restaurants or even cruising pch. its a different lifestyle up there. the nightlife is crazy, downtown has tons of bars, and great places to hang out. the weather is always nice up there, if a storm does trail up that way, it never lasts. where i lived i never saw many homeless people, or broken down homes. it wasn't "ghetto". but don't get me wrong, some places are. But that's easily solved by a quick drive around to see what you like and don't. LB is home to millions of hole in the wall places that are SO delicious. and people/neighbors are friendly as well. its also in the middle of everything, if you wanted to head to Santa Monica for the day or down to orange county, its doable. the 405 sucks, but you can always take the scenic pch. i would live here again if the chance came up. Oh! and they also have dog beaches and parks for your mutt. people love their dogs in long beach.
the things i don't like vary. with any city it comes complete with a**hole kids who like to tag walls/buildings and blow up fireworks at god-awful hours. or drag racing down the street at 3 am.
traffic sucks on most busy streets, but that's common in a lot of cities. Read Less
Long Beach, Not Just A Place For Cruises 4.5 rating By Anonymous ( Nov 24, 2011) I have traveled to Long Beach, CA and it is breathtaking. Long Beach is one of the most beautiful places in Southern California. My family and I traveled to Long Beach for a Carnival Cruise and decided to stay a couple of days after the cruise. When we first arrived we were amaze ...Read More d at all of the cruise ships at the terminal. Long Beach is one of the popular places to cruise from in California. When we arrived from the cruise, we went to the Aquarium of the Pacific. I love sea animals and this was a place I had to see. I was glad that we went because it is one of the biggest aquariums with so many animals. My daughter loved it and the 3D movies they had. Some of my family wanted to see a bit of history so we went to the Queen Mary. We had the opportunity to eat on the ship and even stay in one of the rooms. Spending the night can be a bit costly if traveling with a large group so we chose not to do that.

My family and I traveled from the east coast and did not realize how much of price difference things were going to be. We definitely had to re-establish our budget because food was more expensive than we anticipated. There are so many wonderful restaurants offering the best seafood you could ever taste. We dined at Bubba Gump Shrimp and the shrimp was extra delicious. It was like we were eating it right from out of the water. We stayed at the Courtyard by Marriott on 1st Street because I am a rewards member. It was very comfortable and we were so close to everything. We will definitely return soon. Read Less
City of Tea? Visiting Long Beach 4 rating By Anonymous ( Apr 30, 2010) As long-term residents of Los Angeles, that big suburb of Long Beach (!), I have come to enjoy visits to the city of Long Beach for the many wonderful places to have Tea. I know that Tea Houses are not the first thing people think about when they think of the city on the bay, nex ...Read More t to the busiest sea port on the West Coast (San Pedro), but Long Beach features some of the most charming tea houses in Southern California.

The three most special Tea Houses couldn't be more different - but each have their own special charm. Call Jane at "The Chocolate Box", just East of the Long Beach Airport, and have a small, virtually private tea with a special friend. Or, call Elise's in the Bixby Knolls neighborhood of Long Beach for good food and a welcoming atmosphere. Finally, it is hard to compare The Vintage Tea Leaf because it is in a class all it's own. Call Beverly, the "Tea Mistress" for one of the most enjoyable tea experiences of your life.

Long Beach, however, also has a wonderful waterfront shopping district with restaurants and a classy hat shoppe (Shoreline Village). Near the shore is also the Convention Center, smaller than Los Angeles, but featuring very interesting events for anyone, within a walk of the Long Beach Aquarium, a world-class destination. To enjoy Long Beach restaurants and shopping, try to find a parking spot and walk up and down Belmont Shores. Finally, for a great evening, consider getting very reasonably priced tickets to watch the "Ice Dogs" minor-league Hockey Team. To be perfectly honest, my husband and I have given serious thought to abandoning Los Angeles for the pleasant attractions of Long Beach. You will know why after only a day or two. Read Less

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      Long Beach, CA

      Long Beach is a truly beautiful large city in Southern California with a small-town feel. It is the seventh largest city in the state, and with a variety of settings from the beach to downtown to suburbs to the college campus—there is a place for everybody! One of the greatest attractions to this area is the climate. With an average of only 21 rainy days per year, this sunny city feels like the Mediterranean!

      It is located between Los Angeles and Orange County which makes it a great commuter location—only 30 minutes to Los Angeles by car! There are also various public transportation systems, offering easy access to Downtown Los Angeles, Cal State Long Beach, Belmont Shore, and more. Long Beach stretches 5.5 miles on the beach with beautiful shores and accessible parking lots. The city is also incredibly bicycle friendly, with more than 100 miles of bike routes and nearly 200 parks!

      Throughout Long Beach, there are about 30 different neighborhoods, so finding the right fit is essential. As with most of California, Long Beach has a higher cost of living than the US average but can be made worth it due to everything this city offers. Being one of the most diverse places in California, there is something for absolutely everyone. Nearly every weekend there are new things to do and see!

      Long Beach is filled with many attractions such as Cal State Long Beach, The Naples Canals, and The Queen Mary, a beautiful and famous ship from the early 1900s that doubles as a museum and event center. This beautiful city is not only an artistic hub, but also a tremendous food hub! There is a gigantic taco scene with some of the best, most authentic Mexican food in the US! There are plenty of museums, restaurants, and cafes to keep you occupied and full for years to come.

      It is easy to see why Long Beach is such a booming place, this city certainly has it all! Moving to Southern California offers you a very sunny life, filled with good food and unique people. It is only 30 minutes away from all of the action in Los Angeles, which gives you space to breathe but still close enough to be inspired. As always, it is important to establish what you are comfortable spending on housing as well as where you want to work. The attractions and locations sell themselves—it is all around a great place to live. If you are moving within California, it is a fairly easy adjustment; if you are moving from out of state, get rid of your winter clothing and pack enough sunscreen!

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Long Beach? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      Harvey Milk Park
      Lincoln Park
      Promenade Square
      East Village Arts Park
      Cesar Chavez Park
      Victory Park
      Cesar Chavez Park
      Santa Cruz Park


      Internation city Theater
      The Found Theater
      Long Beach Performing Arts Center
      Laugh Factory
      Toxic Toast Theatre
      Aquarium of the Pacific
      Aquarium of the Pacific

      Food & Drink

      Jimmy John's
      Flame Broiler
      WaBa Grill
      Cold Stone Creamery
      House of Hayden
      El Pollo Loco

      A+ Commute

      Is public transit available in Long Beach? Of all people who commute, 5.3% take public transportation in Long Beach.
      Drive to Work

      3% lower than the US average

      Take Public Transit

      equal to the US average

      Walk to Work

      equal to the US average

      A+ Health & Safety

      Is Long Beach a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Tarzana Treatment Centers Long Beach
      Jonathan Jaques Children's Cancer Center
      Miller Children's & Women's Hospital Long Beach
      Naples Medical Group
      Todd Cancer Center
      Community Medical Center Long Beach
      Saint Mary Medical Center Long Beach
      College Medical Center South Campus


      CVS Pharmacy
      Rite Aid
      Rite Aid
      Village Rd Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      CVS Pharmacy
      AHF Pharmacy
      Wholesale Nutrition Center


      Lakewood Village Chiropractic
      Family Physician
      Lindora Clinic
      Integrated Wellness
      Lakewood OMFSurgery
      Dr David Kim DDS
      Columia Pediatrics